Volunteer preserve steward Larry Watson of Wabash, Indiana, describes his service as a “win-win.” Helping to care for ACRES properties and keep the trails clear for visitors is a way ...
Did you notice anything different about the summer Quarterly? It’s been 36 years since the Quarterly front cover had people on it. For this edition, we wanted to do something ...
ACRES member and volunteer Tedra Hemingway’s fascination with nature has touched every part of her life. Some of her happiest memories have been spending time outdoors. She remembers playing in ...
We did it! Last weekend ACRES held our final tire cleanup at the Walter H. and E. Marie Myers Nature Preserve on Flowers Creek. In total, with five years with ...
Did you know that autumn olive was once planted by many conservationists, including Tom and Jane, to provide wildlife habitat? Today, this invasive shrub is a prime target for removal ...
“I feel like I’ve made a difference, and it’s been fun,” said Sue Diefenbach, reflecting on serving as ACRES’ recording secretary for the past 12 years. Prior to retiring from ...
Graham Seiler took the path less traveled. Given options for volunteer work toward earning Eagle Scout status, Seiler chose to replace a slippery, weathered bridge at Bicentennial Woods near Huntertown, ...
“My appreciation and passion for natural places did not take hold until adulthood. I was not an outdoorsy child or adolescent! I think my love of nature began with plants, ...
Ahoy, bird-lovers! Did ya bird blitz with ACRES last week? If you were perched in a preserve, binoculars fervently scanning the canopy, the brush, or waterside for a tail, a ...
Are you looking for a rewarding service project on the land? ACRES is putting out a new call for help. Last year, volunteers started the process of completely removing Autumn ...