Over the last 18 years, I’ve visited ACRES preserves countless times, learning valuable lessons from nature itself. I live on an ACRES preserve and also volunteered to maintain Hathaway Preserve ...
If you look in the most recent issue of our Quarterly, you’ll find the names of 50 people who joined ACRES in the past three months. To you who are ...
Photo by Adam Balzer: A juvenile Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake coils among vegetation at Grass Lake in LaGrange County, Indiana. This closed preserve is strictly set aside as a nature sanctuary ...
A letter from the Executive Director This July, ACRES Executive Director Jason Kissel spent the month riding his bicycle from the Mexican border in Texas to the Canadian border in ...
A letter from the Executive Director Dear Friends, Acquiring land, managing land, managing people (members, preserve visitors, volunteers, neighbors) and running the business aspects of ACRES comprise 95% of ACRES ...
Dear Land Lovers, As many of you know, trees are my primary draw to nature. But I’m also fascinated by many other aspects of nature, including bogs. While my interest ...
Dear Friends, We Midwesterners have a reputation of being hard workers. I think this is partly because we mimic the land we live on. We follow the lead of the ...
Dear friends, Each day is a victory for ACRES. Life thrives on 7,000+ acres of land because our members, and members before them, chose to acquire each of these acres. ...
Dear friends, Since ACRES protects land forever, I often engage in conversations envisioning what natural areas will look like during the course of forever. We think about how much bigger trees will ...
“It’s continuity, it’s peaceful, it’s something you can rely on.” — Dana Davis, speaking about returning to her family’s land. Dana and her husband Duane donated The Walter H. and ...