Your bequest, planned gift or legacy donations from your estate helps ensure that the places you cared about and worked for in your lifetime are preserved long after you are gone. With a planned gift, you’ll become part of the Acorn Society, recognized for your dedication to ensuring ACRES’s future.
You have many planned giving options to help you achieve your financial and philanthropic goals while supporting the mission and work of ACRES.
Your options may include:
You may bequeath a gift to ACRES in the form of a dollar amount, a specific property, a percentage of your estate, or what remains after your loved ones have been provided for. Consult your financial and legal advisor about the benefits and methods of making a planned gift to be sure which option is right for you.
To make a bequest to ACRES, the following language may be helpful to your lawyer:
“I give, devise, and bequest to ACRES, Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, with a mailing address of PO Box 665, Huntertown, IN 46748, and a Tax Identification # of 31-0976955, ____% to be used for ______.”
To ensure your gift may be used as you intend, please get in touch with ACRES for options before designating a gift. If you have already made plans for ACRES, we would love to know now so that we can recognize your generosity during your lifetime.
Please contact our office to speak about planned giving or request a Statement of Intent or Gift Acceptance Policy.
Call us at 260-637-2273, ext. 105
Email Heather Barth, Advancement Director
Email Jason Kissel, Executive Director
Read ACRES members' reasons for including ACRES Land Trust in their estate plans.
When David and Tracy Fox, the first members of the Acorn Society, talk about being forward-thinking people, they really mean forward. They’re thinking a good century out.
Jeri and Lyn have supported ACRES in a variety of ways. In addition to exploring preserves on their own, they’ve joined in on multiple outings, events, book discussions and more. Their commitment to protecting local land now extends beyond their own lifetimes.