ACRES welcomes three stewardship interns this season. Learn about what we have in store for them and scroll down to read their bios. As always, there is a lot on ...
ACRES nature preserves provide researchers and citizen scientists with opportunities to study the natural world around us. By allowing scientists to work on ACRES properties, we gain knowledge from their ...
Local artist Gwen Gutwein has gifted ACRES with four oil paintings depicting the changing seasons at Mackel Nature Preserve in Allen County’s Cedar Creek Corridor. The paintings capture the confluence ...
A note from the ACRES Quarterly editor ACRES Quarterly Editor Carol Roberts reflects on the changing of the seasons, encouraging readers to connect with nature this fall. What changes signal ...
ACRES Land Trust has started work on a new accessible trail and deck at the Tom and Jane Dustin Nature Preserve in Huntertown! If you’ve visited the preserve recently, you ...
The trail along the north bank of Willow Creek in Bicentennial Woods has been dedicated in honor of Florence Thyrza Pauly, a native of Fort Wayne and long-time resident of ...
HUNTERTOWN, Ind., December 2, 2019 –ACRES Land Trust is launching a Capital Campaign to help build a barn and renovate the home it uses as an office. The investments will ...
“What did the fish say when he was swimming upstream and hit concrete?” “Dam!” Dr. Jerry Sweeten, ACRES board member, retired Manchester University biology professor and expert on low-head dam ...
ACRES completes 500-acre acquisition phase on Cedar Creek, launches storytelling project HUNTERTOWN, Ind., August 5, 2019 – On completion of a 500-acre acquisition phase on Cedar Creek, ACRES Land Trust ...
The late Dr. Frederick O. and Elfrieda Mackel expanded a neighborly legacy of preserving the Cedar Creek Corridor through ACRES Land Trust. The Mackels originally purchased land overlooking Cedar Creek ...