Hello ACRES Community! I’m excited and honored to be your new communications manager. With over six years of experience in communications and graphic design, I’m eager to learn more about, ...
A warm welcome to Jenna Biggins, the newest member of the ACRES team! She recently joined the staff as office manager. Biggins first gained experience at ACRES as an office ...
For staff development, relationship building … and fun! … the ACRES staff enjoys seasonal outings for each equinox or solstice. We aim to stay close to the land and the ...
“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” — Henry David Thoreau, a journal entry dated Aug. 5, 1851 ACRES invites you to welcome Reena Ramos ...
As ACRES staff members, we support land protectors and nature lovers in their relationships with land. We also take the time to nurture our own relationships with land and community. ...
“My appreciation and passion for natural places did not take hold until adulthood. I was not an outdoorsy child or adolescent! I think my love of nature began with plants, ...
Our executive director Jason Kissel has been in awe of land for several decades. He traces his love of natural areas back to when he was just a kid, watching ...
In 2016, ACRES Land Trust launched quarterly staff development days in honor of seasonal changes. The ACRES Office is closed for the spring and fall equinoxes as well as for ...
It comes with much joy and sadness that I am leaving the staff of ACRES. The past nine years have been fun, challenging and rewarding. I was blessed to work ...