Winter Solstice 2019: Staff Outing

For staff development, relationship building … and fun! … the ACRES staff enjoys seasonal outings for each equinox or solstice. We aim to stay close to the land and the communities we serve, so we take these days out, closing the office and hitting the road. We meet regional partners, businesses, educators, farmers, or other service providers; we share favorite local eateries and we enjoy time spent exploring, moving and refreshing our perspective.
ACRES employees wrapped up 2019 with a winter solstice staff outing to Fort Wayne, IN!
During a tour of Promenade Park, we heard about the hard work Fort Wayne folks put in to make this riverside park a reality! There’s hope the park will allow the community to appreciate and take care of their local rivers.

Staff got to enjoy being kids again at the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo as we went on a behind-the-scenes walk through the aquarium exhibit. The keepers and employees here work hard to make sure the animals are taken care of.

A busy day of adventuring to the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory and Sweetwater Sound left staff famished. We refueled at Junk Ditch Brewing Company, and appreciated that many of the ingredients were locally sourced from small, family-run operations.

At Hop River Brewing Company, we walked through the process malt and hops go through to become eventually become beer. We got to taste the final results, as we learned about the many different types of ingredients brewers use.
ACRES hopes you’re inspired by our adventures to enjoy the wonders of your region – and of each passing season.