Beginners and Backyard Birders Welcome! Celebrate birding and help protect land. Would you like to help ACRES and practice your birding skills? Bird Blitz is back! You can count birds ...
Ahoy, bird-lovers! Did ya bird blitz with ACRES last week? If you were perched in a preserve, binoculars fervently scanning the canopy, the brush, or waterside for a tail, a ...
Celebrate the preserves and have fun helping ACRES track bird species. You’re invited to count birds, either as an individual or on a team, on any ACRES preserve from June ...
74 participants have registered for ACRES’ first ever Bird Blitz! Pledge your support online HERE. 74 Bird Blitzers! That’s many teams, families, duos and individuals who will be counting birds all ...
While spring has not yet officially sprung, the preserves are already increasingly active. Spring wildflowers are beginning to bloom and wildlife is returning. As hikers do the same, they’re capturing ...
By Fred Wooley Early September, I saw my first-of-the-season Red-breasted Nuthatch, one of my favorite birds. Diminutive compared to our more common year-round White-breasted Nuthatch, the Red-breasted is also set apart by ...