2nd Annual Bird Blitz: Count Yourself In
Celebrate the preserves and have fun helping ACRES track bird species.
You’re invited to count birds, either as an individual or on a team, on any ACRES preserve from June 3 – June 9.
Register here: acreslandtrust.org/birdblitz by Friday, May 18.

New for 2018
- New to birding? If you’re looking for pointers before blitzing, enjoy a Birding for Beginners workshop presented by local Audubon chapters. Scroll down for details. More information will be mailed to Bird Blitz registrants in May.
- Plus: Bird Blitz patches! If you join in the fun, you will receive a sweet patch from the Bird Blitz logo (left), designed by Adam Johnson of Yonder Clothing Co
2nd Annual Bird Blitz
Sunday, June 3 to Saturday, June 9
Explore any open ACRES property between dawn and dusk and make note of each bird species you see/hear. You have all the fun while helping enhance ACRES bird species inventories. Count as an individual or as a team.
Registration is $5 per person and includes a patch designed by Adam Johnson of Yonder Clothing Co. Registrants will receive a packet with notes on how to enter your birding data into ebird, an online citizen science bird tracking tool.
Register here: acreslandtrust.org/birdblitz or by phone at 260-637-2273.
Be sure to join the after-party on June 10 to celebrate your success!

Birding for Beginners
Saturday, June 2, throughout our region:
ADAMS COUNTY | Limberlost State Historic Site Visitor Center
200 6th St, Geneva, IN 46740
9 – 10 am presentation, followed by a birding hike through Loblolly Marsh. Bring your own binoculars.
Presented by Robert Cooper Audubon Society
ALLEN COUNTY | Tom and Jane Dustin Nature Preserve
1802 Chapman Road, Huntertown, IN 46748
9 am – noon
Presented by the Tippecanoe Audubon Society
ELKHART COUNTY | Bittersweet Branch Public Library, Zimmerman Room
602 N Bittersweet Rd, Mishawaka, IN 46544
Presented by the South Bend-Elkhart Audubon Society
1 – 4 pm
7496 W. SR 124, Wabash, IN 46992
Presented by the Mississenewa Audubon Club
8 am – noon
Bird Blitz After Party
Sunday, June 10, 2 – 4 pm
ALLEN COUNTY | Tom and Jane Dustin Nature Preserve
1802 Chapman Rd, Huntertown, IN 46748
Celebrate your hard work! Report your final tallies, learn who spotted that elusive Green-tailed Towhee. Door prize drawing that night.