Fifty-eight years of reliability, thanks to you
“It’s continuity, it’s peaceful, it’s something you can rely on.” — Dana Davis, speaking about returning to her family’s land. Dana and her husband Duane donated The Walter H. and E. Marie Myers Flowers Creek Nature Preserve and hand-restored farmhouse.
Dear friends,
Nature is reliable. It reacts, but doesn’t overreact or underreact. ACRES strives to operate in the same way.
ACRES also tries to reciprocate the reliability of nature by offering nature reliable places. Places that are forever protected. ACRES is only as reliable as you and I are, because as members, we are ACRES.
You can rely on the land—when you can rely on people who recognize and honor its value. ACRES relies on your support to do what no one of us can do alone: To protect land, forever.
Do you feel the weight of that responsibility? The weight should feel good in your hand, though; it’s joyful and worthy work and as long as it’s shared by many, it’s not too heavy for any individual to bear.
We have a 58-year history of being reliable. Members join, renew, donate, volunteer and share ACRES with others. Our reliability ensures nature a place to remain reliable– that’s a big deal.
Your membership makes it possible to protect land forever. Thank you for being reliable.